Sunday, April 25, 2010

Allan's 6th Birthday

Allan had asked for a moving dragon cake that had spikes down the back, breathed fire and should look like him ("Not like me as a boy," he said, "but like me as a dragon".) with blue eyes. I told him that was far beyond my creativity limits! Even so he seemed to very much love his dragon and knight cake (with store bought figurines!).

We had Pop-pop and Gramme over for hamburgers and hot dogs (I forgot to boil the eggs for the tuna salad so he settled for a hot dog)

I only have video of him opening his presents. He got a set of Lincoln Logs from the Slagenweit grandparents and a bow and arrow set from his daddy. He's been asking for one for probably two years and we decided that would probably be more thrilling to him than having a bicycle. He had a grand time!

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