Sunday, July 26, 2009

Week of July 12

Philip left early Monday morning to preach the Rock Lake Bible Methodist Camp in MI so I played the part of a single mom that week. We were able to get a lot accomplished and though the boys missed their daddy terribly, it wasn't as rough as I expected. We did various things that week: picked lima beans, planted the second set of green beans, ate our first corn out of our garden, made 6 1/2 dozen chocolate and spice gobs, played in the swimming pool (although most of the week it was too chilly!), took walks, went to the park, played in the sandbox, etc. I spent a good part of the week getting our "spare" bedroom in shape so that we can furnish it as a guest room. That meant moving out all of the boys'clothing boxes, organizing my stockpile of household items, and rearranging the closet. Too long the room has collected all of the "don't know where else to put it" things until it was unacceptable. Last week I ordered this for the spare room and now I'm watching Craigslist for a bed and small dresser. My goal is to have this ready by the middle of case my parents decide to come visit....HINT, HINT! Oh, I also planted broccoli and cauliflower seedlings to plant for the fall garden.

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