Sunday, July 06, 2014

Snapshots of the boys

Our friend, Amit Dutta, asked me one Friday evening to get the boys in their dress clothes so that he could take a few snapshots of them. Though they weren't impressed to be in suits on a family night - I thought they still turned out well.

The three musketeers.



knightfirstlady said...

Marianne, these are beautiful pictures of 3 handsome boys! I can sure see them growing each time you post pix of them! No mistaking who they belong to either! :>) Love, Sharon

Dorcas said...

Your boys sure are handsome!! They don't stay little very long, do they? I'm sure you all miss Amit very much. We really do!

MarianneBrown said...

Sharon - That's so funny, we don't think any of them look like either of us.
Dorcas - They don't stay little long. It's so true that the days seem long but the years go so quickly. We do miss Amit - I miss getting a break from cooking every once in a while. It'll be nice to have all of the students back pretty soon.