Sunday, September 14, 2014

Camping in the Smokey Mountains

Since the summer was so busy we weren't able to take our camping trip until Labor Day weekend. When we were discussing where to go as a family, the boys unanimously voted for Mile High Campground again. It's the most bug free - beautiful view camping we've done and this was our 3rd or 4th visit. It was also the busiest that we've ever seen the campground but the sites are far enough apart that the boys still got plenty of exploring done without bothering any other campers. It was also very nice to be camping with our friends, the Welch family.

Plenty of tree hacking and climbing and many campfires. The only unfortunate accident was Stephen jumped into a bees nest and got 8-12 stings and Philip got the same amount trying to get him away from the nest. Thankfully, though it was the first time he was ever stung, he wasn't allergic to them and several hours later he was fine. 

The children spent a long time watching the fuzzy caterpillars they caught, snails, and strange looking daddy long legs. 

We didn't see as many elk as we normally do but we did have a pair come through the last morning we were there. That morning our site was in the clouds and it was hard to get a good shot. 

When camping my mind is able to completely relax. No phones, no computers, no housework and the boys are able to explore without having much supervision. The only thing you really have to do it cook. It's a time I look forward to every year! 

1 comment:

Dorcas said...

Nothing like getting away from the busyness of life!